PubMob is a marketplace for remote training, coaching, and development, with a strong social emphasis. On PubMob, you can meet in a virtual pub full of happy people—friendly strangers, strange friends, or teammates—to learn and build software together. You'll learn from experts at a reasonable price, while you stay home, stay safe, and stay human.
Starting in March 2020, most software developers found themselves working from home, physically isolated from others. In response, we wanted to help bring back some of that lost social interaction. Through trial & error gained from years of remote experience, we honed a highly enjoyable and effective way to develop software remotely. We want to share that experience. Our goal is for PubMob to provide a forum for fun, ad hoc learning and work.

About PubMob
PubMob arose from the Coronavirus pandemic of 2020. It is currently owned and operated by Langr Software Soutions, Inc.
The owner, Jeff Langr, is:
a software development veteran building software professionally since 1982
an author and a blogger who has written five books and over a hundred articles
a contributor to the bestselling Clean Code and also to Robert Martin's newest book, Clean Agile
a member of the Pragmatic Programmers' technical advisory board.
Jeff lives in Colorado, US.

Please visit our virtual pubs and try one of our many mob sessions.