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Welcome to Dustin's Dustup

Get dirty and dusty when developing with Dustin!

Your session lead: Dustinson

About Dustinson

Understand, Be Understood. Listen to see & code cleanly. Dustin Thostenson is an independent consultant leading Delta3Consulting and working with Industrial Logic. He has been a developer, mentor, trainer and coach for 2 decades. His passion lies in helping people grow and teams deliver. To keep it interesting he helps lead the Iowa .NET User Group and volunteers in Central Iowa. To keep it real he spends time with his wife and 4 kids. To keep it random he tweets @dustinson

About Dustin's Dustup

Drop in and Dev Up!

Not all problems have to be Enterprise level. Let’s stop talking about the Monolith and do somthing! Roll up your sleeves, learn some new skills and get to work making real and lasting improvments.
Get the annoying challenges out of the way so we can focus on the Interest challenges!

Drop in and Dev Up! Discover quick and easy things you can use immediately.

Dustinson's PubMob Sessions

  • Beginner

  • Intermediate

  • Advanced

  • Experienced mobbers


About Delta3Consulting

Design. Develop. Deliver.
