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PubMob what to expect

What to expect: cyber-dojo


cyber-dojo is an online place for practicing programming. It's also designed to help instructors (and learners) to keep tabs on their adherence to test-driven development (TDD): cyber-dojo provides a quick, colorful view of your adherence to the red-green-refactor rhythm.

How does cyber-dojo work?

cyber-dojo is a web-based development environment hosted on a Linux cloud machine. Your session lead will provide you with a URL to access cyber-dojo. Cyber-dojo provides a simple WYSIWYG editor you already know how to use.

How do I get ready?

cyber-dojo makes it easy: There's no real setup. You'll need a decent internet connection (20 Mbps up and down) and a modern browser. Your host will provide the URL the day of your session. If you're able to run Zoom, cyber-dojo will likely have all the power it needs.

What about when it's my turn?

Participants sharing the cyber-dojo development environment simply refresh their browser, once the page reloads you are synced with the last test run.

Fallback rule

Generally there's little that can go wrong with cyber-dojo. In the unlikely event you encounter a problem, your session lead will attempt to help you resolve it. If you're unsuccessful, you'll be asked to type onto the session lead's machine using Zoom's remote control capability for the remainder of the session.

Trade-offs for cyber-dojo


  • Virtually no setup or installation required.

  • Rapid handovers.

  • Puts the burden on the host to worry about build, test, and configuration issues.

  • The experience looks the same to everyone for the entire session.


  • Minimalist editor with few creature comforts.

cyber-dojo is ideal for the short sessions that PubMob offers, putting all the burden for session preparation on your session lead. It's also great for work in languages such as C or C++, where getting everyone to build the software on their machine might be asking too much. You might be giving up your comfortable development environment for a short while, but you'll be hands-on immediately with minimal worries.

PubMob what to expect